Sunday 11 January 2009

Old Drawings #27

In the Hatton (Charcoal, compressed charcoal, A2 cartridge paper)

I'm still in that inevitable post-Xmas slump, but hope to get a new painting going tomorrow. Meanwhile, here's another in what must seem like an inexhaustible supply of Old Drawings. This was done at another drawing workshop, this one run by Tracey Tofield at the Hatton Gallery, again probably in 1995.

I quite liked it at the time, but now recognise that it only really works because of the dynamic "railway viaduct" sculpture in the gallery at the time. The lighting in the gallery is rotten, which may account for the interesting patterns on the ceiling.


owenswain said...

Must be interesting to look back and compare to now. Thanks for sharing.

jafabrit said...

It has a mysterious quality to it. I understand the slump bit, takes a while to get going. It is worth the wait I think, time to rest and recharge your batteries :)

harry bell said...

Owen -- you're right. This retrospective look at my drawings has been instructive (to me, anyway).

Corrine -- I feel like I'm in danger of burning my batteries out by overcharging them. I really must let out some pent-up energy!