Wednesday 15 September 2021

Trulli Houses, Alberobello

 Trulli Houses, Alberobello.
(Acrylic on linen panel, 30x30 cm)

Another painting capturing holiday memories past, in anticipation of those to come. These dry stone buildings in Southern Italy were fascinating.

Sunday 12 September 2021

Italian Archway


Italian Archway
(acrylic on mountboard, 7x5 in)
(Now SOLD)

I actually did two paintings for the Secret Card Sale at The Old Lock Up Gallery. This is the other which doesn’t appear to have sold, but as the Sale is officially over, I guess I’m OK to post it now. Should you fancy adding it to your art collection , I dare say the gallery would be happy to take your £15 even now. All money goes to the gallery. I’d just be happy to see the picture go to a good home.

Saturday 11 September 2021

Cretan Archway


Cretan Archway
(Acrylic on mountboard, 7x5 in.)

Here’s a little painting I did recently for the Secret Card Sale at The Old Lockup Gallery but couldn’t post before. Now it’s sold, I guess it’s OK to post - a snip at £15.

Wednesday 8 September 2021


(0.5 marker in small square sketchbook)

It feels like I've done very little drawing this year, so on a family visit, I made a little time to do a little drawing.