Thursday 23 May 2024

Moli des Comte, Ciutadella, Menorca

Moli des Comte, Ciutadella.
(Markers in A5 sketchbook)

Not the most appealing viewpoint, but the only one that didn't involve being run over. I thoroughly enjoyed my week's holiday in Ciutadella, the old capital of Menorca, but found it difficult to do any drawing. In part because of the usual inertia, but also because like Verona, it's a town of very narrow streets that make drawing difficult.


Tuesday 14 May 2024

Boats at Night WIP


Boats at Night WIP
(Acrylic on canvas board, 10 x 12 in)

After a holiday break, it’s good to get back to some painting, but I’m never happy when I have to break off at this scrubby stage. I always doubt the viability of the subject or composition. “Boats” was this week’s suggested theme at the Art Club, continuing next week.