Thursday 13 August 2009

Putting in Windows

View from the Keep (work in progress)

View from the Keep 2 (work in progress)

Have you ever wondered why on earth you started something? I've mentioned before how much I hate doing windows in buildings, so you can probably guess how I felt today as I started the tedious business of putting in the windows in the main buildings in both of these. Still, they're in place now, even if there's a good bit of work still to do to get them to look OK.

Overall, I'm quietly pleased with the way these two are coming along, although I'm still a little anxious at the lack of time to both finish these and get something else done by the end of the month. I may have to resort to showing older work after all.. While that's not necessarily a bad thing, I did want to pull out all the stops for this show.


April Jarocka said...

Windows...not my forte either Harry, but these paintings are really coming along nicely. I like the way the light is coming alive across the rooftops.

harry bell said...

Thanks! I must be doing it right.

ian gordon said...

Enjoying watching these come together. the bottom one in particular has a real sense of "Time".

Anonymous said...

Looks good, Harry. Of course, you could have a problem in the opposite direction like Virgil Partch did with fingers and toes. Once he got going he sometimes found it hard to stop.

Bruce T.