Tuesday 24 August 2010

Night Station 2

Night Station 2 (oil on canvas, 18 x 24 ins.)

One done, one still under construction:

By the Tracks (work in progress)


Kevin Williams said...

Moodily impressive

harry bell said...

Thank you, Kevin. See it for yourself at Xmas.

Jean Spitzer said...

Compelling. I came back to see it again.

harry bell said...

Thank you, Jean.

Casey Klahn said...

Excellent works.

harry bell said...

Thanks, Casey. Let's hope the second one gets where I want it go.

Trevor Lingard said...

The red has done it again for me.
A dramatic skyline too.
Much balance in your work as always.
All the best

harry bell said...

Thanks for your kind words, Trevor. For someone who has so much trouble seeing red, I'm unaccountably drawn to it.