Monday, 9 July 2012

Private View at Bailiffgate

Across the mezzanine.

Three small paintings in a display case.

Three Prague  Tram paintings.


A while ago the Private View for the Bailiffgate show was changed from last Tuesday night , when the weather was as decent as we've come to expect for summer, to Friday when the forecast was for torrential rain and flood warnings were out for just about everywhere you could think of. As a result the turnout of guests was not all we might have wished for. Even the solid gold I'll be theres I've come to count on called me up and apologised for their absence.

Luckily, the  Bailiffgate Museum is run entirely  by volunteers who do a sterling  job and many of them turned up to help dispel any feeling of abandonment. The chairman made a splendid speech and overall we had a good time.

In keeping with the zeitgeist, my camera batteries failed on me and I had to keep taking them out and turning them round just to take these four photographs.


Anonymous said...

Fantastic looking show, Harry. You must be pleased.

harry bell said...

I am. Just need people to see it now and - even better - buy.

Jean Spitzer said...

Your paintings glow. Congratulations.

harry bell said...

Many thanks, Jean.

Roy said...

Great pictures as usual, and in a nice space, Harry.

harry bell said...

Thanks Roy. Check out the Museum if you're ever back in Alnwick.