Tuesday 23 April 2013

Museum Sketchbook # 8: Ethnographic Case

Hancock: Ethnographic Case 
(Charcoal, compressed charcoal across two pages of A4 sketchbook)

On one of the galleries of the Hancock Museum was a set of Ethnographic Cases devoted to artifacts from around the world. This one displayed items from the South Seas: shields, unidentified wooden objects and brightly coloured stuffed birds.

Somewhere in the studio, there's an unfinished painting based on this drawing, but I can't locate it right now.


Sheila Vaughan said...

Beautiful Harry. You are making me want to go into the Manchester Museum with my sketch book. It is a great idea.

harry bell said...

Thanks Sheila. It's one of those ideas that hangs around in the back of my mind and - one day - will become a stronger theme than it has so far.