Beer Taps at Revolution
(markers in A5 sketchbook)
On Saturday, I went on my first Sketch Crawl of the year (and my first for quite some months) with Urban Sketchers Tyne and Wear. Although the others had started at the Subway cafe at the cathedral end of Collingwood Street in Newcastle, I met up with them after they'd moved along to Revolution, a vodka bar at the other end of the street.
We'd been granted the exclusive use of a row of stools and tables but I found when I was finally perched on my stool (does anyone else find bar stools the most uncomfortable form of seating?) that left me with only two subjects for drawing. I could draw Colin who was sitting sketching across the small table from me, or I could draw ... some beer taps. I decided Colin would prove the more interesting (how about that, Colin? More interesting than a row of beer taps!) but just then the food he'd ordered before I got there arrived and he became decidedly more animated. I like to draw people who I reckon will remain relatively immobile and while Colin was that while he sketched, he moved about quite a bit when presented with a sandwich.
I drew the beer taps. A man with a cap and a girlfriend sat down in front of them and I almost began drawing his cap, but luckily they both got up again. As I was finishing the sketch, two girls sat down and I was able to include a handbag which I felt helped to balance the composition.
As the noise from partying girls began to get uncomfortable, we decided to return to the Subway cafe. I wasn't inspired by the view, so ate an uninspiring vegan and aioli wrap and chatted to Mike about the things that concern aspiring painters.