Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Old Drawings #18

Red Extractor (Pastel and marker over photocopied sketchbook drawing)

I'm getting ahead of myself with this Old Drawing, but the recent drawings of aloes reminded me of it. I drew it in pencil in an A4 sketchbook in the Sculpture Department of Newcastle University in 1999, half-way though my degree. The addition of colour came later, when I was playing around with reworking photocopies. There were, in fact, two extractors, which accounts for the extra hose.


Unknown said...

Love this. Reminds me of a whole mix of things - old phones with mouthpieces, Northumbrian Pipes, contraptions that seem to have a life of their own when we are not looking.....

harry bell said...

I think we're reading from the same page.

Anonymous said...

Ben Katchor, a cartoonist whose work I respect and enjoy a lot, does his strips as basically reworked photocopies. He starts out with a script (his panels tend to be very wordy, sometimes leaving very little room for the character who is doing the talking or thinking) and then he does a sketch which he then transfers to illustration board. Then he adds the ink, including some very gentle washes. A link follows to his web page.


Anonymous said...

Ooops, shoulda said up there that the transfer process to the illustration board is done with a photocopy machine, which allows him to shrink or enlarge the original sketch as he pleases.


harry bell said...

Bruce - thanks. An interesting technique and I do miss having access to the office copier. The computer printer just isn't the same because the ink is soluble, but it does lend itself to a variation on Katchor's method.